Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quote, parapraph, and citation #4

Quote: "As literary periods go, Modernism displays a relatively strong sense of cohesion and similarity across genres and locales. Furthermore, writers who adopted the Modern point of view often did so quite deliberately and self-consciously. Indeed, a central preoccupation of Modernism is with the inner self and consciousness. In contrast to the Romantic world view, the Modernist cares rather little for Nature, Being, or the overarching structures of history. Instead of progress and growth, the Modernist intelligentsia sees decay and a growing alienation of the individual. The machinery of modern society is perceived as impersonal, capitalist, and antagonistic to the artistic impulse. War most certainly had a great deal of influence on such ways of approaching the world. Two World Wars in the span of a generation effectively shell-shocked all of Western civilization."

Paraphrase: For the world a war was going on. For love lives people were well aware of this. On the other hand the people that had a pen in their hand ready to right a story of novel was in a whole new world. Writers did not focus on what was going on around them but what was going on in their minds that had a better perspective than what was going on in the war.


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